本調査の対象となる日系企業とは、カリフォルニア州中北部49カウンティ及びネバダ州に所在する「本邦企業 (いわゆる海外子会社、孫会社を含む)、または本邦企業もしくは日本人が10%以上出資している海外の企業 (合弁会社を含む)」です。
※複数の日系企業 (例えば本邦企業の支店と現地法人化された日系企業) がある場合、それぞれの調査票を提出願います。
3.調査要領 (締め切り: 2024年2月21日)
(1) カリフォルニア州中北部に所在する日系企業本拠点数調査は、当館とジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)・サンフランシスコ事務所、北加日本商工会議所(JCCNC)、在ロサンゼルス日本国総領事館、ジェトロ・ロサンゼルス事務所、南カリフォルニア日系企業協会で共同実施するカリフォルニア州全体を対象とした日系企業実態調査の一部として、実施いたします。以下の日系企業実態調査回答入力ページにアクセスし、貴社の状況をご記入ください。
(2) ネバダ州に所在する日系企業
経済班 進出日系企業拠点数調査担当
Eメール: economic@sr.mofa.go.jp
Annual Survey to Japanese Companies
Located in Central and Northern California and the State of Nevada
January 31, 2024
The Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco conducts an annual survey of Japanese companies located in Central and Northern California and in the State of Nevada.
We would greatly appreciate your cooperation in completing this brief survey which may be answered within 7 minutes.
* If your company does not fall under one of the categories in part 2, please disregard this survey.
1. Please access the following survey forms by February 21, 2024.
(1) A survey form for Japanese companies located in Central and Northern California
* The Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco conducts a survey of Japanese companies in ALL California, with JETRO San Francisco, Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern California(JCCNC), the Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles, JETRO Los Angeles, and Japan Business Association of Southern California. A part of answers for this ALL California survey will be used in an annual survey to Japanese companies. (2) A survey form for Japanese companies located in the State of Nevada
2. Company Categories
- Japanese companies in this survey is designated as follows:
- Overseas office of a Japanese company
- 100% Japanese subsidiary – Head office / Branches, etc.
- Joint venture (a local company with direct or indirect shares of 10% or more by Japanese company) - Head office / Branches, etc.
- Company that Japanese people have launched overseas (Japanese share is 10% or more.)
- If you have a multiple entity organization (ex. Foreign Branch of a Japanese company and local subsidiary), please submit separate survey forms for each entity.
- Please fill out information as of October 1st, 2023.
Japanese Company Coordinator
Economic Section, Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco
Email: economic@sr.mofa.go.jp
Thank you very much for your cooperation.