2023 Way of Tea Program

Japanese tea ceremony lessons
Students practice bowing
On Wednesday, February 1, Friday, February 3, and Wednesday, February 8, the Consulate General of Japan held its 2023 Way of Tea Program for local students at the facilities of Urasenke Foundation San Francisco. This program provides students with the opportunity to experience a Japanese tea ceremony to deepen their understanding of Japan and its culture, and motivate them to study Japanese language.

This year, about 120 Japanese language students from five schools participated in the program. While practicing their Japanese language skills, students learned about the history and culture of the tea ceremony, the etiquette involved, the teaoom, and about traditional Japanese culture in general.

We would like to thank the participants, their teachers, and the members of the Urasenke Foundation for contributing to this year’s successful program.
Students discuss the meaning of a scroll
Students learn about the tearoom
Students enjoying tea
Students learn about tea instruments

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