Japanese sit-down comedy “Osaka-style English Rakugo” in San Francisco!

To celebrate and honor the 50th Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival and 60th anniversary of Sister city relationship between San Francisco and Osaka, the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco is proud to bring, direct from Osaka, a special traditional Japanese kamigata (Osaka-style) rakugo comedy and variety entertainment show during the Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival, to bring a little Osaka flavor to San Francisco. In addition to English Osaka-style rakugo, this show will feature Japanese traditional juggling and shamisen performance. We encourage everyone to come and experience this unique style of Japanese sit-down comedy!

Osaka-style English Rakugo (In honor of the 50th Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival and the 60th Anniversary of the San Francisco-Osaka Sister City Relationship)

●Date and Time: Saturday, April 8 and Sunday, April 9; 4:00PM-5:30PM (Times subject to change)
●Venue: San Francisco Japantown, JCCCNC Stage (Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California; 1840 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94115)
●Admission: Free and Open to the Public
Kaishi KATSURA (English Rakugo Performer; 2008 Cultural Ambassador for the Japanese Agency for Cultural Exchange)
Asakichi KATSURA (English Rakugo Performer)
Lucky Mai (Daikagura-style acrobat and juggler)
Masako KATSU (accompaniment shamisen player)
Asakichi KATSURA Lucky
Masako KATSU
Please see here for more information about the Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival. https://www.sf.us.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/17_0313a.html 

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